Bushra Hyder Qadeem (Pakistan)

Bushra Hyder Qadeem is an educationist by profession and specializes in peace, education and micro-entrepreneurship. She runs a successful educational institute in Peshawar.

Ms. Hyder introduced a model of peace education in her institute that has expanded to five other schools and madaris after its success in her school and college. She is internationally known for her work in peace education; women, peace and security; and micro-entrepreneurship. Ms. Hyder conducts national and international trainings on the same subjects, along with conflict transformation, countering violent extremism, and leadership and interfaith dialogue. Ms. Hyder is also a social entrepreneur and works with women and youth across Khyber Pukhtunhwa and FATA on active citizenship, women’s issues in conflict, community peacebuilding, and micro-entrepreneurship. Ms. Hyder was the 2003-2004 WISCOMP Scholar of Peace Fellow of Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace. She is a member of Women Waging Peace USA, the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL), and a founding member of Amn-O-Nisa—a tripartite network of women from Pakistan, Afghanistan and India formed by PAIMAN Trust, Pakistan. Ms. Hyder has to her credit a documentary and stage dramas on the impact of violent extremism on children and peace education a necessity for Pakistan. Ms. Hyder has a master’s degree in English language and literature from Peshawar University, a Diploma in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding from World Learning.


Fear and Hope in Peshawar