Nils Mallock (UK)

EXPERTISE: Political protest, extremism, Middle East, quantitative methods

Nils Mallock is a behavioural scientist and doctoral researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His work examines individual motives and consequences of participation in violent and peaceful political behaviour (such as protest, extremism and radicalisation) in high-risk environments, such as in conflict regions or following natural disasters. He specialises in empirical field research (having led projects in Iraq, Lebanon and the West Bank so far) and quantitative methods, including large-scale surveys, randomised controlled trials, and spatial analysis. He has also conducted field interviews with activists, civil society leaders and members of armed political groups. His research aims to contribute to a more robust understanding of the behavioural mechanisms underlying pressing policy issues, such as political unrest, extremism prevention and constructive collective action.

Prior to the PhD, Nils completed an MSc in Behavioural Science. Having lived a at various times in Germany, China, the Middle East and the UK, he has a broad background working in policy think tanks and the private sector. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics and finance, during which he spent a year abroad studying Chinese diplomacy at Fudan University in Shanghai.



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